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Maine School of Science and Mathematics

Strategic Vision

“For time and the world do not stand still. 变化是生命的法则,那些只看过去和现在的人肯定会错过未来.”

John F. Kennedy

Strategic Approach

在2018-2019学年,缅因州科学与数学学院进行了深思熟虑的战略规划过程,目标是在未来几年识别机会和管理风险. This effort was far ranging, 但是,大部分的思考和努力都由两个小组完成,通过学校管理部门进行全面协调.

第一组由皇冠足彩的教职员工组成,第二组被称为战略组 规划指导委员会(SPSC),由皇冠足彩受托人David Ferguson, David Coit, 杰罗姆·皮耶和凯瑟琳·迪卢蒂奥,现任父母莎伦·弗罗斯特,莱姆斯通镇代表 Kathie Beaulieu, 皇冠足彩 Foundation Chair Clark Copelin, 皇冠足彩 Faculty and Staff Daniel Melega, Matt Grillo, David Pearson, 皇冠足彩 student Charlotte McCulloh, and University of Maine Orono past president Susan Hunter.

Both groups considered Maine’s educational landscape and 皇冠足彩’s place within it - the environment; examined constraints and areas of necessary change while recognizing key school features that should be sustained; and developed objectives to be achieved by prioritized lines of effort in order to address the following question:

Within the next five years, how can 皇冠足彩 transform its academic curriculum, residential life experience, and athletic programs, rehabilitate its infrastructure, and attract and retain quality faculty and staff – while remaining true to its values, vision, and mission and acting within budgetary limitations – to attract and retain an 增加优质学生和自愿捐助者的数量,以产生确保皇冠足彩偿付能力和资助关键改进所需的资金?

皇冠足彩 Strategic Plan

The result of these deliberations is the 2019 皇冠足彩 Strategic Plan that is organized around three key areas: (1) strengthening 皇冠足彩’s on-campus program; (2) expanding 皇冠足彩’s impact across Maine; and (3) enhancing 皇冠足彩’s facilities and faculty / staff.

By endorsing these three initiatives, 皇冠足彩董事会为未来制定了充满信心的课程,并为皇冠足彩的规划和优先事项设置工作带来了更多的纪律和清晰度. Importantly, 虽然投资新项目和资本项目是昂贵的提议,但需要灵活和外交程序管理,以充分降低风险, 我们现在有了一个大致的前进道路,这将确保未来25年比第一个25年更好.

  1. Strengthen On-Campus Program
    1. 减少食宿费,以消除经济上的障碍,招收皇冠足彩合适的学生.
    2. 改善住宿生活计划,包括学生和住宿指导员住房.
    3. 创建并实施一个允许灵活毕业要求的每日/年度计划, a focus on real life world problem solving, dual enrollment university credits, and long-term student research opportunities.
    4. Expand engineering and computer science courses.
    5. Quantify the 皇冠足彩 experience through professional faculty and staff evaluation, and external accreditation of the program
  2. Expand Impact Across Maine
    1. 创建并运营一个以STEM教学和学习为重点的年度暑期缅因州教育夏令营.
    2. Grow the existing 皇冠足彩 Summer Middle School STEM Camp to 600 students.
    3. 开发和交付皇冠足彩外展STEM学习模块,重点支持缅因州的农村中学.
  3. Enhance Facilities and Faculty / Staff
    1. Create an 皇冠足彩 Campus Master Plan.
    2. Own and control all 皇冠足彩 necessary facilities.
    3. 创建并配备一个晋升职位,与皇冠足彩基金会合作,建立国家/州范围的合作伙伴关系,并筹集资金支持学校运营.
    4. 通过全面的市场营销和招生计划,将皇冠足彩学生人数增加到200人.
    5. 开发灵活和技术支持的教学和办公空间,以促进创造性和协作性的学习和工作.
    6. Ensure sufficient faculty housing commensurate with planned school growth.

皇冠足彩 Strategic Plan Sequencing

Causal assumptions - essentially, “如果”/“那么”命题——将环境理解与影响结果的潜在行动联系起来,用于确定战略计划目标的现实顺序. The resulting sequencing is outlined at Annex A. Clearly, a number of actions can be undertaken immediately, such as introducing appropriate faculty and staff support and evaluation protocols, planning for an 皇冠足彩 Summer Educator Camp, 与现有的项目团队合作,考虑多种毕业途径. Progress toward other objectives are more dependent on additional factors, both internal and external, 并将在今后几年继续与各种选民和机构建立联系和对话的基础上不断发展. For instance, 将现有的食宿费用降低到与其他州立名校相当的水平,这一目标将取决于缅因州立法机构是否愿意承担这一差异的责任, which if successful, and results in increased student applications, 引发了关于支持不断增长的皇冠足彩学生群体的必要基础设施的后续对话. If, as a result, a decision is reached to undertake significant capital investment, 那么一个校园总体规划是必要的——它的建设无疑会导致围绕皇冠足彩的理想位置的后续讨论,以便最好地为整个缅因州服务. 这就是皇冠足彩未来目标的相互联系,在某些情况下是政治联系的本质.

Looking Forward

We are persuaded that the recent U.S. News and World Report ranking of 皇冠足彩 as the number two school in the nation, underscores the value of this institution to the state of Maine as never before. 这三个战略计划目标旨在建立在现有成功的基础上,并解决当前的主要挑战,这些挑战是由于洛林空军基地关闭后,学校过去几年的发展方式有些随意造成的, ownership of a small co-ed single dormitory building, and the renting and sharing of an academic building with another school, 碰巧是房东,而历史上皇冠足彩支付了学术大楼的大部分运营成本. While these are undoubted challenges as we work forward, the dangers of inaction, or of setting our sights too low, are infinitely greater and unworthy of Maine’s number one school. This is 皇冠足彩’s time, and together with your help, 这将是一个令人兴奋和有目的的前进之旅,将加强我们的机构文化和项目, significantly improve our student experience, and leave our reputation for excellence undiminished throughout Maine and beyond.


A. 皇冠足彩 Strategic Plan Objective Sequencing.

95 High Street, Limestone, Maine 04750
P: 207-325-3605 C: 207-551-9914 F: 207-325-3340

First page of the PDF file: StrategicVision